Home & Garden

pet on the floor

Six Effective Ways to Reduce Pet Allergies

Pet dander exists about anywhere there’s a warm and fuzzy critter in your home. And just about anything with dander can potentially bring down any person susceptible to allergic reactions. But it’s not about the hair or the dandruff-like dander that we see in some pets that cause allergies. A particular protein found in the dander […]

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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning at Home: Possible Sources of the Toxic Gas

Every day, regular household activities such as cleaning and cooking generate gases that make the quality of indoor air deteriorate. When there are pollutants floating around the house, it can lead to respiratory symptoms such as coughing and sneezing. However, there are far more sinister substances that may be present inside your house and may

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home renovation

Affordable Renovations Ideas That You Can Do at Home

Home improvements are such an excellent idea, especially if you’re into DIYs. However, most people think you need a hefty load of funds to make any worthwhile renovation projects become a reality. Although most home repair and improvement are expensive, some cool ideas are considerably cheap. So, if you’re trying to decide what renovation projects

Affordable Renovations Ideas That You Can Do at Home Read More

waking up

Breathe Fresh, Clean Air: How You Can Increase Ventilation at Home

The importance of proper ventilation of indoor space has been made apparent by the recent pandemic. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, spreads primarily through droplets and aerosols ejected by a person who is ill through coughing, sneezing, speaking, and breathing. If the air is stagnant, these contaminated droplets and aerosols hang around the room

Breathe Fresh, Clean Air: How You Can Increase Ventilation at Home Read More

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