Six Effective Ways to Reduce Pet Allergies

Pet dander exists about anywhere there’s a warm and fuzzy critter in your home. And just about anything with dander can potentially bring down any person susceptible to allergic reactions.

But it’s not about the hair or the dandruff-like dander that we see in some pets that cause allergies. A particular protein found in the dander causes allergic reactions. Like other types of allergies, such as hay fever, it’s always a protein in the substance that causes it.

These allergy-producing proteins that pets produce are also in their saliva and urine. And since these proteins are minute in nature, it floats in the air without you knowing it, which explains why some tend to have allergic reactions even by walking into a particular area. So, how do you keep your home dander-free?

Bathe your pet

Regularly bathing your pet can help control the pet dander level inside your home. You can do it once a week with plain water to effectively rinse away the dander. Your pup may probably even welcome a cold bath during hot and humid weather, too! Meanwhile, it’s highly advisable for those who have a cat to use a wet washcloth to trap the allergens.

Put boundaries in the bed

pet and owner

For those who have a terrible case of allergies, setting boundaries between you and your pet can significantly reduce the allergen levels inside your bedroom. It’s also highly advisable to change the wedding to a special one designed to be less penetrable to all types of allergens.

Get a HEPA filter

Aside from hiring professional duct cleaning services, getting a HEPA filter can also do the job. Aside from dust mites and pollen, HEPA filters virtually eliminate pet dander and other tiny airborne pollutions. Installing a HEPA system in the entire house can be expensive. So, it’s a more practical idea to get stand-alone filters in particular areas instead. Meanwhile, it’s best not to get those air purifiers that you see on TV as these can release harmful ozone gas that can make your allergies worse.

Clean frequently

Still, one of the best ways to manage allergens is by thoroughly cleaning your house. So, try to vacuum your bedroom as frequently as possible and consider changing the furnace filters as well. Doing so will help remove the dander in the air, which can trigger your allergic reactions. It’s also best to shampoo the rugs regularly and change the pet bedding as often as possible. It’ll also be best if you wipe the areas where your pets rub and dust them frequently. If possible, you can also consider reducing the amount of upholstered furniture inside your house.

Always wash your hands

Although it may seem mundane, washing your hands can also help reduce your exposure to pet allergens. While bathing your pet decreases the number of allergens that they shed, the effect only lasts for a couple of days. That’s why it’s more effective to wash your hands and face frequently to get rid of the allergens stuck on them.

Take some medications

Allergic attacks can happen at any time. So, if you’re already exhibiting a few symptoms, then it’s best to take over-the-counter allergy medications to help relieve it. It may not be effective when treating asthma-type symptoms such as chest tightness. It’ll help relieve mild allergy symptoms such as itchy eyes.

These are only a few of the things you can consider to help you live a more comfortable life with your pet, even if you have allergies. It’s still best to speak with your physician about the best treatments to help manage your condition.

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