Home & Garden

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Coronavirus Quarantine: The Things You Can Do While You’re in Isolation at Home

No thanks to the coronavirus, schools have been shut down, most businesses and workplaces have been temporarily suspended, concerts and events have been canceled, and coming together is discouraged. The only option you now have is to stay at home and isolate yourself from everyone as a means of preventing the virus from spreading even

Coronavirus Quarantine: The Things You Can Do While You’re in Isolation at Home Read More

house burning

Top Areas at Home Where Fires Often Start

The National Fire Protection Association reports that there are between 350,000 to 400,000 cases of house fires in the United States every year. Out of all the fire incidents that get reported annually, around 31% occur in residential homes. Several factors contribute to these numbers: cooking, negligence, and open flames, among others. The key to

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