Keeping Your Small House Warm on a Budget

Maintaining warmth inside the home is a concern for any homeowner. And this is even more so for those who choose to build their own tiny houses. After all, many of them do the work themselves, or at least make the plans for their home. They need to think through what they want to have in their houses as well as how to achieve it, so they can live the life that they desire for themselves. Here are some measures that you can take to make sure your tiny home stays warm during the colder months.

Get a Fitting Heater

One of the easiest ways for you to bring warmth to your home is to get yourself a heater or other similar device. The only challenging part here is choosing the right one in terms of size as well as how it will also bring moisture into your house. The smaller your home, the smaller the heater you should have, as it will get too hot and costly if you go for anything bigger. Aside from those you can buy as appliances, you can also ask a furnace installation company for a more permanent feature.

Consider Insulation

When you’re still setting up your house, you shouldn’t forget one of the best ways to keep your home warm is to insulate it. If you apply it properly, it provides a barrier that keeps heat in, reducing the effort and energy that you need to heat it up. Make sure to include it in your plans, and use the right kind of material for the area that you plan to stay in.

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Think Heated Floors

Another option for you to warm your home with is the heated floor. It uses either wires or water pipes to bring thermal energy to your flooring. What’s great about it is that you can build it into your home, and it doesn’t have to take up that much extra space. This is also possible to do when you have a solar setup, as you can use it to heat up water that you can then use for the flooring. If you choose the wired setup, you don’t have to use as much electricity either.

Fill in Gaps

If you’ve already built your tiny home, and you think that your indoor warmth is still not enough, you might want to work on filling in some gaps. When it comes to your insulation, you may try to use spray foam kits to add some more. Just make sure that you learn how to do it properly, or get a professional to do it for you. Also, windows are common places where air can leak through, so you might want to check if they’ve been well-sealed. It’s also good to put weather stripping on your door.

Take note that many of these measures are best implemented when you’re still in the process of building your house. Do your best to include them in your plans, especially when you’re thinking of living in an area that gets cold easily. But then, a tiny house is usually constantly in progress, so you can still change some parts of it as you go along.

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