After ‘ I Do’s’: An Easy Homebuying Guide for Newlyweds

Finally, you are done with all the wedding brouhahas, and you are literally ready to settle down. It is time to move on to another significant step in your married life: searching for the perfect newlywed nest. It does not matter whether you are actually ready to make a purchase soon or are saving up to become homeowners in the future.

You have to start exploring all your options and looking into the process as early as you can. The process might seem intimidating at first, but once you have educated yourself on all the choices you have, it will be a lot easier to manage everything.

Getting a house and land here in Whittlesea is a lot like the commitment you made to each other on your wedding day. You should only sign those papers when you are 100% ready to commit to everything related to homeownership.

So, before you start exploring, here’s a simple guide to help you get through the home-buying process as a first-timer:

Be specific on what exactly you are looking for

Talk to your spouse and come up with a list of the things you consider essential in a home. Remember that a house is not like purchasing furniture or an appliance that you can easily exchange if anything goes wrong. Identify all the features you want inside and outside your home.

For example, how big do you want your dining room to be? Can you do your daily food preparation even in a small kitchen? Do you prefer having a fireplace in your living room as a nice focal point? How many bathrooms do you need? Is it vital for you to have a guest room?

Write down all the features you want but be ready to make a compromise if necessary.

Check out all the different types of homes available


When you are shopping for options for the first time, make sure to look at all the available types of houses so you will get a feel of what’s exactly out in the market. Check out our neighbourhood and see what is the common choice. Do not forget to observe the surroundings as well and see if it will fit your lifestyle.

If you and your spouse have specific hobbies, keep those in consideration as well. After all, you would not want to end up getting a house that’s not only suitable for your taste but will also not allow you to enjoy the things that make you happy.

Conduct market research and negotiate your contract

When you’ve listed all the features you want, start doing some research. Buying a house and land involves a lot of paper-signing and ticking boxes off your checklist. One of the most common mistakes homebuyers make is thinking that all types of contracts are standard agreements and all that’s left is to leave your signatures.

However, that’s not always true.

There are certain things you can most definitely negotiate, such as warranties and repairs. For these things, you will need to work with a reliable realtor to help you find the best deals.

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