7 Ways to Insulate Your Home

Insulation helps you keep warm during the cold months. Not only that, as you can protect yourself from high energy bills. Keep the heat inside your home with these tips.

Install lining

If your house is an old one, chances are, the walls are made of solid materials. These materials are not good at keeping heat trapped in your home. They are guaranteed to let the warmth escape, making your heating system insufficient.

Dry lining is an excellent way of insulating your inner walls. The process also doesn’t require intensive labor. It’s a quick and efficient alternative to plastering your walls. There are many UK dry-lining tools that you can use for the project.

Get thick curtains

There are thermal curtains that can help improve the heating of your house. You can also include linings for your curtains, such as those made with fleece material.

The curtains must be left open during the day to let in as much sunlight as possible. Then, once night sets in, close the curtains to trap the warmth inside.

Fix air leaks

If you notice sources of air leaks in your windows or doors, make sure to seal them immediately. There are insulation kits that can be easily bought to help you solve the problem. Materials such as caulking and weatherproof strips are particularly useful.

Seal your draughty door

The bottom of your front and back doors are likely to let in draughts. To fix the issue, you can install a “door snake” or draught excluder to plug the crack in. You can quickly create a homemade one using old socks, clothes, or pillow stuffing. Make sure that it fits with the width of your door to ensure that the air doesn’t get in.

Plug your fireplace

Keeping your fireplace open during the cold months can increase your heating bill. Your chimney and fireplace are also sources of draughts. Make sure to plug them to keep the cold out and keep the heat in your home. An inflatable urethane piece is a good option, which creates a balloon-like shape that can trap the warmth inside the house.

fireplace with wood

Seal in your attic

Your attic can be another source of air leaks. Make sure to insulate the rafters using foam or reflective foil sheets. These can reflect the day’s heat down toward your house’s interior instead of letting it escape once the cold settles in. You can staple the materials on the rafters.

Also, you can install a cover over the stairs to your attic. It has a tent-like shape made up of foam, fiberglass, or aluminum coating that can be inserted, stapled, or strapped in over the doorway. Some covers have zippers so that you can quickly get into your attic without having to pull the whole cover down.

Secure your heater and pipes

If your water heater is located in a cold corner of your house, then it’s a good idea to wrap it with an insulation blanket to save up on your electricity costs. These blankets are usually made up of foil or fiberglass materials that can keep warmth in. However, the wrapping method differs depending on the type of water heater that you have.

Additionally, you need to make sure that your pipes don’t freeze up on cold days. Wrap them with a pipe sleeve to make sure that they stay warm. The strips are insulated with fiberglass material that you can tape around the pipes. Doing this will also help you raise your water temperature more efficiently.

Insulating your house not only increases your comfort but also helps you avoid costly electricity bills. Follow these pointers the next time you feel cold inside your home.

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