Worthy Home Improvements That Can Help Keep Kids Healthy and Engaged

It’s been more than a year after the pandemic and kids are still spending more time indoors. Even if some schools already opened, parents still can’t help but want their kids to spend more time indoors. Some even chose the hybrid mix of learning where kids are learning remotely and in person.

But as kids spend more time indoors with little-to-no social interaction with friends and loved ones, this can have an impact on their physical and mental health. Keeping kids indoors often meant them living a not-so-active lifestyle. How can parents improve their kid’s health, boost their comfort, and keep them happy and engaged?

Parents know their kids best. Keeping your children’s needs and preferences in mind will make it easier to decide on what steps to take. For starters, you can consider tackling certain home improvements.

The following tips can help make their living space healthier, more comfortable, and compatible with their sheltering-in-place needs:

Get Rid of Pests and Mold

No kids would appreciate having cockroaches, mosquitoes, and rats sharing their home. Some pests can cause structural damage while others carry diseases that put the family’s health at risk. Parents should call the experts after seeing the first signs of pests in or outside the house.

Kids love to play outside and may spend the afternoon out in the backyard. But if they get bitten by pests, this can make them uncomfortable, sick even. So, make sure you call mosquito control services to get rid of the issue.

Aside from pesky pests, one should take mold issues as nothing. There are certain types of molds that can cause flu-like symptoms. The last thing you want is your kids getting sick just because you failed to address your mold issue asap.

Keep the House Clean and Organized

With kids at home and you need to work to provide for their needs, household chores may be the least of your priorities. But then, a clean and organized home is a healthier home. It is a must that parents and their kids try to keep the house neat no matter how busy they might be.

Many homeowners use different tricks to ensure a clean home. For one, they make sure to teach kids the importance of cleaning up after themselves. With all family members sharing the household chores, it becomes easier to maintain an organized home.

Keeping a cleaning schedule and doing household chores with the family makes cleaning a lot less stressful and more fun. So, make sure to divide all housework equally. There are age-appropriate chores you can give to your kids to teach them responsibility early on.

If you are really busy and have no time to clean the house, you can consider hiring help. This is especially true if the kids are too young to help. Professional residential cleaners can make housekeeping easier without lifting a finger.

cleaning room

Outdoor Improvements for the Kids

Kids need to burn their extra energy. They also get bored easily. It is crucial that parents find ways to keep them active and engaged.

Think of the activities they enjoy doing. Provide what they need to entice them to spend more time in the backyard. For example, consider building a treehouse, a custom zip line, or even a natural playscape for them to enjoy.

Add comfortable seating areas where the kids can read a book, draw, and paint, or eat a snack after playing in the yard. Letting them spend more time outdoors even if it is in the comfort of your yard can help boost their mood, help them stay active, and keep them healthy.

A Private Space for Learning

Whether your kids are back at their traditional school or are learning remotely, giving them a study space outside of their bedroom is always a good idea. This gives them a private space away from their siblings and the temptations of their bedroom. If you don’t have an extra room that can double as their study area, consider a space where they can learn in peace while keeping their younger siblings in another room.

Aside from a computer for research, their writing materials, and more, you can decorate their study area with the help of your kids. They may choose the wall decors, furniture, and color scheme. Asking them what they want, allowing them to help you out, and including them in the decision-making will make them want to utilize the area more.

Kids are meant to study with their classmates, enjoy P.E. time with other kids, and play with their friends. But the pandemic made everyone shelter in place. While parents have a lot to take in, they need to ensure their kids are healthy, happy, and engaged. While there are many other things you can do to accomplish this, improving your living space can be a great move. With the right projects, you can achieve your goals and still keep the kids happy and healthy as we continue to do social distancing and spend more time indoors.

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