Winter is Coming! How Safe Are Your Pets?

Most pets like it outdoors. On your carports, in the backyard, on your well-manicured lawn; all these spell comfortable and ample amble spaces and playing areas. But, not all seasons are good for outside living and playing for these special members of the family. Unlike most wild animals, domestic animals do not adapt well to extreme weather conditions.

Winter, especially, can be so harsh that you risk losing your pets should you not make the necessary adjustments in caring for them. Yes, winters in some areas are generally mild and temperate, with occasional light frost and hail. But, here are five pet care and safety options to follow to be on the safe side:

1. Humidify indoors

Health is a critical concern for pets during winter. Take up any chance you get to ensure your pets are in their best health. Frequent air conditioning is common in most houses during winter. Without proper controls, over-air-conditioning can result in dry indoor air, which causes dry skin, throats, and noses not only in humans but also in pets.

Using a humidifier will ensure indoor air is humid enough that your pets’ skin will not turn itchy or noses and throats dry. And, that will save your pets from respiratory and skin infections.

2. Bundle up

The wee hours of the morning and late nights are often biting cold during winter. If you only have one pet, having it close could help to keep it warm during these freezing cold times. For homes with multiple pets, keeping pets sleeping pads, or having your pets share the same pad will keep them warm till it’s warmer.

3. Keep parasites away

Most parasites hardly survive in extreme weather conditions. During winter, these parasites move indoors where temperatures are warmer to avoid the cold outside. Therefore, follow a strict parasite eradication and prevention routine for your pets during winter as you do in other seasons.

cat and dog on couch

4. Avoid harmful chemicals

Some antifreeze and parasite control chemicals contain compounds that can be harmful to your pets. For canine and feline pets, their paw pads seem so resilient that they can walk comfortably even on rough surfaces. These pads, however, have pores through which chemical compounds can diffuse into the body.

Therefore, always use safe chemicals around all pets, and thoroughly wipe off your pet’s paw pads after walks.

5. Speak out

You have done all that you possibly know how to prepare your pets for winter. But, without professional help, you could be missing an area or two. Again, consulting does not have to be complicated. There is ready help for you. You can contact any of these animal welfare organisations in Australia for further guidance on preparing your pets for winter.

Conclusion: Winter is winter. Be safe.

You have had winter vacations in the past. Your pets even liked playing on your carports and lawn and taking walks. The weather did not seem very harsh. Do not take chances, though. Weather conditions can change in a snap, and that could put the health and even lives of your canine and feline members at risk if it gets to the extreme.

Pet wellness extends to ensuring that they have comfortable living spaces throughout the year. That will mean proper preparation and adjusting pet care routines for all seasons. Always keep your pets’ living and playing areas safe; winter is coming.

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