Pets and Electrical Hazards: Creating a Safer Home Environment

If only pets can be taught about electrical hazards, then owners wouldn’t have such a complicated time preventing the worse from happening. As is, they’re not only oblivious to the dangers of the appliances, outlets, and wires in their surroundings. They’re likely also curious about what they are and if they’re tasty to chew. Smaller pets like puppies and kittens can get into spaces too that puts them at risk of electrocution.

Keeping them safe from these dangers goes beyond dealing with the immediate hazards in their path. You’ll have to ensure that you, your family, and your pets are not creating new ones daily.

Cord Solutions

It’s a basic rule of thumb that you shouldn’t leave cords lying around when you have free-roaming pets. They can easily mistake them for toys to chew or threats to destroy. The challenge is not only in putting cords out of sight and out of reach but keeping it that way every day. You have two primary solutions for this problem. The first is the most practical: develop the habit of returning things where they belong or putting things back in their proper order. This could mean wrapping and storing cords once you’re done with them and learning to do so properly using methods like the chain link and over and under the coil. Agree with all family members to develop this habit, as one person’s effort in a house occupied by five will never suffice. It will take time, effort, and a lot of practice for people who don’t usually do this, but the payoff is worth it (and less costly).

The second solution entails shopping around Utah for cord protectors. Several options in the market will suit the different appliances and gadgets you have at home. There are thicker ones to protect extension cords and the like and flexible ones for your gadgets’ chargers.  Knowing which ones work best for you will greatly improve your chances of reducing the cord chewing around the house.

Opt for Higher Quality

Cheap materials never last. What’s worse is that they’re likely to cause dangers that aren’t prompted by your pets. The fact that these appliances and cords break easily and could overheat, cause electrical fires, or shock your pets already spell trouble for your household upon purchase. Research reputable brands and consider the additional dollars you’re cashing out as an investment.

If you’ve been having electrical problems at home, call an electrician to do an inspection. You mustn’t delay these as there’s no telling what your pets might do when they notice the first signs that something is wrong behind the walls, in your outlets, or your appliances. You might need to have some wiring fixed, and gadgets replaced based on their recommendation. They’re usually the ones who know the best brand alternatives that will keep you and your pets safe.

Always Unplug

plug and socket

Perhaps the worst and most common scenario that endangers your pets is them chewing on plugged cords. Unplugging is another habit that your family needs to develop. When a gadget or appliance is not in use, unplug and store the cord properly. Don’t tempt your pets to nip at them by having them sprawled across the floor when in use. It’s best to have your cords pooled near the outlet, so they’re not easily available to them. At least this way, you’re not worried about coming home to an injured pet even though the cords have been torn to pieces.

Of course, it’s a different matter entirely if you’re faced with a bored, under-trained, or anxious pet.

Train Them Well

The greatest threat to your cats and dogs is their lack of training. When they don’t understand your commands and continue to misbehave, it’s a sign that you haven’t spent time conditioning their mind to listen to you as their alpha. They don’t see any reward for doing what you want them to do, and there’s no respect for the hierarchy in the house because you might’ve failed to establish it in the first place. What you’ll want to do is to get them started with obedience training at once and work with them until they obey on cue. To ward off chewing problems because of boredom, surround them with enrichment toys like puzzles that dispense kibble or treats. Anxious dogs are also prone to destructive behavior, particularly when they’re left alone. It’s only by treating their separation anxiety through positive reinforcement that you can get them to focus on their toys or go to sleep without a fuss while you’re away.

Different Houses, Different Solutions

At the end of the day, the solutions that will work for you depend on the house you live in and the lifestyle you enjoy. Take your pet’s breed into account as well because some are more predisposed to chewing and misbehaving when not trained. All these feel like a lot of work, but what won’t you do to keep your beloved pets safe?

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