Home Design Trends in 2021: What to Incorporate

The global pandemic has led people to stay in the comforts of their homes. Since last year, families have spent most of their time staying in the four walls of their houses. For this reason, many households have reconsidered their living spaces. Some have thought about renovating their houses, while a few others have decided to buy a new home.

But while home design trends keep on changing and evolving every year, 2021 is quite different. The focus is on two things: functionality and comfortability in the midst of a global crisis. As such, new and innovative trends have emerged out inspiring every household or family.

That said, here are six home design trends to consider this year:

1. Natural Lighting

Getting locked up at home can be boring or, worse, mentally taxing. The lack of exposure to sunlight can affect your hormones and get you depressed. That’s why allowing natural light to enter your home can make all the difference.

It’s time to ditch out your blinds and drapes. Open your windows and leave your doors open. Know that there are benefits that come with allowing natural light into your home. For one, it releases your serotonin and makes you happy. Given the pandemic, natural lighting at home has never been this important.

2. Real Plant Paradise

Apart from natural lighting, it’s a good idea to allow nature to thrive and flourish inside your home. In the past, artificial plants used to be the major trend due to their convenience and minimal upkeep. Today, however, we’re talking about real plants growing indoor.

Of course, plants and shrubs with blooms aren’t only aesthetically beautiful. Indoor plants provide some real benefits than faux plants. They purify your indoor air and ensure quality air circulation at home. They go as far as providing a good ambiance, improving your mood, and making you feel better.

3. Multipurpose Storage

When it comes to home organization, storage is everything. Proper storage get rids of the clutter and lets your living space breathe. That way, your house won’t look messy and feel claustrophobic. Hence, multipurpose storage is one home design trend you must consider incorporating into your house.

The good news is that there are plenty of storage solutions for your home. A perfect example is utilizing the space under your staircase and turning it into valuable storage. The same is true for the space under your bed, where you can transform it into storage sections.

modern living room

4. Home Office

Working from home (WFH) has become all the rage during the pandemic. A lot of employees have been forced to work in the comforts of their homes. It’s good if you can have a space conducive for working, set up your workstation, and integrate all the technology you need at home.

As WFH is seen to be the work setup in the next few years, you may consider buying a house with a WFH hybrid model. Ask your real estate agent for house recommendations with an office setup. Even if you undergo a home remodeling project, your contractor will most likely suggest a home office design.

5. Home Gym

The COVID-19 crisis has compelled people to value their health and wellness. Physical fitness and healthy living become every household’s goals. Unfortunately, the pandemic restrictions forced fitness centers and studios to close down. But as they have reopened this year, social distancing is enforced among people, and some individuals refuse to compromise their health.

For this reason, home gyms have sprung to life. Family members invest in fitness equipment and set up their own workout space at home. If they can’t go to the gym, then they can exercise at home instead.

6. Outdoor Space

Because of the global pandemic, a lot of families rarely spend their time outdoors. They only do so if they have to buy essentials or need to go to work. Because of these, some families consider improving their outdoor space and enhancing their property’s curb appeal.

A few property improvement projects include installing a deck or patio, building pathways, landscaping a garden, and getting lawn care services. By doing one of these, your family can spend time chilling outside of your house.

Despite the global pandemic, it’s time to take your house to the next level. Consider incorporating one of these home designs: natural lighting, plant paradise, multipurpose storage, a home office, a home gym, and outdoor space. Or if you’re looking to buy a new house soon after the pandemic, focus on one of these home design trends. After all, your house is your home—the place where your heart is.

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