Energy-efficient Home: 7 Steps Towards a Sustainable Lifestyle

We live in a world where the cost of living is constantly on the rise. Homeowners are looking for ways to save money and keep their homes running smoothly while also being energy efficient.

An energy-efficient home makes the optimum use of heat and electricity. Heat leaks are arrested and fixed, leading to less heating costs. The latest model lights and household appliances provide the same convenience as older models at a lower energy cost.

The quest for energy efficiency may require an investment in fixing the house and buying new appliances, but you can recover the costs quickly.

It makes an energy-efficient home an excellent investment for any homeowner. You can save a lot of money on your monthly utility bill, and it’s also good for the environment. Here are seven tips to make sure you’re getting the most out of your new energy-efficient home:

1. Install Solar Panels

Consider installing solar panels or other renewable energy sources like wind turbines. The cost of solar panels has steadily gone down since manufacturers first introduced them to the market. With government subsidies, the cost of installing solar panels becomes even cheaper. The initial price may be high, but there is almost no maintenance and zero cost of operating a solar panel. In some areas of the country, you can sell your excess electricity production to an electric company. Selling electricity to the electric company can also help to lower the costs of electricity in your area. Commercial and residential solar panel installers can assist in your purchase.

2. Buy ENERGY STAR Certified Products

Replace old appliances with ENERGY STAR certified models that have at least an energy factor of .90 or higher if possible. Get an ENERGY STAR certified central heating and cooling system, then set your home temperature to 78 degrees. You can get a free custom report on how much energy you’re using through the US Department of Energy website. Appliances are becoming more energy efficient every year. If you have five-year-old devices, consider replacing them with new appliances with a high ENERGY STAR rating. The electrical savings would offset the cost of the machine in the long run.

3. Seal Air Leaks

Seal air leaks around windows, doors, vents, and electrical outlets with caulk or weather stripping. Ensure all gaps around utility lines are sealed, with no airflow between the outside air and inside your home. During winter, a large percentage of your utility bills are due to heating costs. Securing leaks improves your cut down on heat loss and improves your home’s energy efficiency.

sealing holes

4. Replace Your Home’s Windows

A well-insulated window can do a great job of trapping heat inside, as well as keeping cold air out during the winter. If you have sliding glass doors or patio doors in your home, try putting a storm window on top to reduce drafts and save energy.

5. Insulate Your Attic and Basement

Insulating windows and doors is necessary and quickly done, but it takes more effort to protect areas not usually visited. The attic, basement, and other hidden places in your home can leak warmth and energy costs. You should also fully insulate your crawl space, and leaks in heating can add up to a tidy sum. A fully protected home ensures efficient heating and increased utility savings.

6. Switch to LED Lights

Install LED light bulbs in every room. These bulbs use less electricity than incandescent bulbs, and they last much longer—typically up to 25 times as long. LED lights are brighter compared to fluorescent and incandescent bulbs of the same wattage. Because of their design, they can last much longer than other types of bulbs. Some use incandescent bulbs because these produce both heat and light. However, the heat generated by incandescent bulbs is negligible and more costly than your regular heating.

7. Get a Programmable Thermostat

Set it to automatically turn down the home’s temperature when you’re not at home or during the hours of midnight to 5 a.m. You can also set up separate thermostat controls for each room of your house. With separate thermostats, you can have individual rooms heated as you need them. There is no need to heat the whole home if the other rooms are not used. When you limit your heating to specific rooms, you can save a significant amount of money in heating costs.

By following these few simple tips, you can save a lot of money on your monthly utility bill while being more environmentally conscious. It’s essential to take the time out of your day to inspect your home for some quick improvements that improve your energy efficiency.

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