Enchanting Porch Design Ideas to Incorporate

One of the best ways to provide you and your family with a safe way to get some fresh air is by sprucing up your porch. You will still be on your property while at the same time not having the feeling of being cooped up at home. If you’re thinking of having your porch renovated and redecorated, here are some enchanting design ideas you can try to give your home a gorgeous and relaxing facelift.

Scattered rattan chairs with tropical hues

If you and your family love the beach and miss lounging near the ocean, you can recreate this feeling from the safety of your home by painting the columns and walls of your front porch an ocean blue or even a mossy green. You can also invest in some rattan chairs that provide the feeling of being in a luxurious hotel by the beach. To make good use of your space, you can also scatter the chairs not just for aesthetics but also to provide room for physical distancing. It would the best place to have some refreshing cocktails with your family during the summer.

Herb garden

Another stunning way of sprucing up your porch is by turning it into a herb garden. As the pandemic continues, we need to find more ways to be self-sustaining, and growing our own produce can be a great way to rely on supermarkets less. You will not only be upping your porch game through a herb garden; it will benefit your home cooking as well. To make it look good, you can set up the pots through a hanging garden or with colorful pots.

Weather-proof porch

Just because aesthetics are a priority, it doesn’t mean we have to completely neglect safety. If you live in an area with extreme weather changes, weather-proofing your porch is a must. You can incorporate some minimalist shutters that complement the design of your porch, and you can also have roof gutter protection installed to ensure that your porch and home are protected from all kinds of weather all-year-round.

A splash of color


If you’re tired of the minimalist and neutral aesthetic that has taken center stage in the past decade, you can subvert this trend by adding a splash of color into your porch. If it’s big enough for a large dining area and to host many people, you can choose furniture like long tables and statement chairs with an off-beat color.

If the idea of colorful furniture is too much, you can opt for neutral ones but choose brighter cushions. These splashes of color will look especially good on a porch that’s near a swimming pool and can instantly provide a picker-upper during days of quarantine.

Making small spaces work

On the other hand, if your porch is on the smaller side, you can still make it work by doing the following:

  • Consider the scale of your furniture and design elements. A small round bistro table will and chairs will look hood with a three-seater swing or an eating nook.
  • You can also add a small round rug to add character to your space.
  • To create the illusion of a bigger space, choose paint colors that allow light to bounce off, like white or really light pastel hues.

For more inspiration, you can look into how small hotels in Santorini designed their terraces. They have a way of turning a small space into a cozy little nook for tourists and guests.

Statement porch swings

Perhaps no other furniture type or design element defines porches more than the swing. Many American families have many memories sitting together on the porch swing and talking about their day or just anything under the sun.

Twist this American family tradition by choosing a more off-beat or chic style, like choosing industrial materials for a more masculine feel. This design choice will look the best in porches that have high ceilings. Another idea is turning your porch swing into more of a day bed, so you and your family and pets have more space to cuddle and lay down in the afternoons.

Multiple Benefits

Upgrading your porch will not only provide you and your family a relaxing place to stay in your home; it will also add significant value to your property. So if you’re thinking of selling your home one day, don’t hesitate to invest in your porch. It’s one area of your home that your entire family can enjoy, and it will give you an atmosphere of vacation without having to leave your house.

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