Business Management 101: What to Avoid to Maintain Your Brand’s Reputation

All business owners would want to keep the reputation of their brand. But sometimes, the practices we allow and the issues we fail to address on time are very reasons why we fail to establish a good reputation. If you want to keep your brand’s repute, then be wary of the following.

Pest Infestation

Remember that one thing that can quickly turn off your customers is them knowing you have a pest issue in your business. It does not matter what type of business you are currently running. But this is especially true if you have anything to do with the food and health industry.

Pests are not only unsightly to look at. These are carriers of different diseases that can put your employees and customers at risk of getting sick. Having a pest problem and failure to address this issue asap can also lead to material spoilage and property damage. You can end up wasting lots of resources just because you failed to protect your business premises from pests.

Pest infestations already caused many companies to close down. Remember that all businesses are required to prioritize industrial hygiene and sanitation. A pest infestation is one way to fail health sanitation and health standards imposed by the government. If the public finds out about this, you can quickly lose your customers. They can demand that you close your business asap and you can also face costly lawsuits.

The best way to reduce the risk of pest infestations is by having a pest prevention plan in place. For one, you will need to make sure that every possible point of entry is secure. This is why many businesses invest in flexible PVC sheet rolls for their entryways.

Train staff in identifying possible signs of pest problems and to report this to the management asap. Be sure to work on your pest extermination plan and work with a reliable pest exterminator on the first sign of a pest problem. It is also important that your company has the right storage and sealed waste bins for all business waste. Make sure your employees abide by your company’s waste disposal policies.

Corporate Greenwashing

Consumers these days are pickier when it comes to choosing the brands they buy products from. Millennials and Gen-Zers want businesses to turn to sustainable business practices. They want products to be more eco-friendly. They prefer companies that do local and ethical sourcing. In short, they want businesses to be more mindful of the environment, the economy, the community, and society.

In an attempt to lure eco-conscious consumers, some businesses turn to greenwashing. This is a marketing technique wherein companies claim their brand is eco-friendly when in reality, this is all false advertisement. For instance, a small business may boast their company’s eco-friendliness just because they allow consumers to shop and pay for their orders online. But then, they make no attempt in reducing their non-recyclables and failed to make their packaging more eco-friendly.

You may be able to convince some consumers about your attempt to be a more eco-friendly brand. But remember that no dark secret will forever remain a secret. Instead of enjoying your newfound success for racking in new clients, you can quickly lose them together with your loyal customers. This is since you tricked them into thinking they are helping protect the environment by supporting your brand.

Workplace Discrimination

team meetingDifferent types of discrimination can occur in the workplace. This includes discrimination of age, race, religion, nationality, disability, and even illegal retaliation and compensation discrimination.  When you allow discrimination to occur in your workplace, you are damaging the morality of some of your staff, which in turn leads to a high turnover rate and poor employee morale.

Allowing workplace discrimination or even failure to address such an issue on time can lead to legal consequences. You will end up having to pay your attorney just to represent you in court. If your business is found guilty of allowing workplace discrimination, you will pay fines, attorney fees, punitive damages, and compensatory damages. You can also end up having to pay your victim of harassment with restitution which is your compensation for their financial losses.

Note that even if your business wins a workplace discrimination lawsuit filed against you, this can still harm your business reputation. High-quality talents may avoid applying for your job post. Consumers may find your business as an unethical brand and will want to take their business elsewhere.

There are other things that can harm your business reputation. But more often than not, it is how you manage your business that often puts it at risk. If you don’t want your brand to suffer from employee loss, customer hate, and costly fines and lawsuits, avoid greenwashing. Never tolerate workplace discrimination and always make it a point to keep pests from making a home in your business.

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